What We Do

The Hatteras Group is a collaborative team of Merger & Acquisition (M&A) Advisors, professional intermediaries, leading business owners and entrepreneurs as they navigate the complex and often emotional process of selling or buying a business. We offer our services to both buyers and sellers and generally work with companies with annual revenues of $5MM to $100MM.

While our process works well across a wide range of industries from manufacturing to professional and industrial services, we do have direct experience in a number of vertical markets or prctice areas;

  • HVAC/R, Mechanical Contractors
  • Industrial Distribution and Value Added Resellers
  • Specialty Contractors // Industrial Services
  • Trucking, Transportation and Logistics
  • US Federal Government Services
  • Niche Manufacturing – Textiles, Wood Products, Metal Fabrication and Machining
Sell Your Business

We Represent Businesses for Sale

Most business owners will reach a point where they want to exit and / or retire from their business, and unless they have developed a strong succession plan for management or family to acquire the business, the best opportunity is to sell the business to a 3rd party.   There may also be situations where a business “Needs” to be sold such as financial distress or burn-out of the owner.  Whatever the circumstance or motivation, our team of experienced merger & acquisition advisors will lead the process of preparing the business for sale, reaching out to the most likely buyers, leading the negotiations and then managing the process to closing and a successful transition.

Buy a Business

We Help Clients Find Businesses to Acquire

Like many journeys in life, the search to find a quality business to acquire is a challenge and requires the right MAP to reach the goal.  In this case, the M.A.P. is a business with a properly MOTIVATED Seller, ALIGNMENT on the valuation and POTENTIAL for growth.

In the inefficient and fragmented market for selling businesses, only about 20% of transactions were placed “on the market” for sale; the majority of closed deals result from direct connections and referrals. For that reason, we have developed a process to identify, contact and qualify businesses not actively on the market for sale.  The process creates proprietary deal flow for our entrepreneur, business owner and corporate clients. Our Proactive Acquisition Search Service has proven to be a more effective than shopping the market for available deals, creating proprietary opportunities, each with a MAP to success.

Growth Advisory Services (G.A.S.)

Advising Businesses for Growth

Even the greatest athletes need coaches, someone who brings other experiences to their game and holds them accountable for the goals they set.  In a similar way, many business owners will benefit from an honest assessment of their business by an outsider and an advisor who helps create a growth plan and holds them accountable.  Working daily in the market of buying, selling and financing businesses, we are in a unique position to bring a valuable set of practical experiences, resources and strategic advice to help clients grow the value of their business.  We like to refer to our Growth Advisory Services as the GAS to fuel the growth of a business, something to ‘fire-up’ the growth engine.  A typical GAS engagement includes a baseline assessment followed by monthly, quarterly or annual check-ins and deliverables.

Baseline GAS Assessment to include;

  • Opinion of Market value with analysis
  • Identification of Key value drivers
  • Map of growth and exit options
  • Development of a custom valuation calculator for the business
  • Identification of key goals of ownership and key management, business and personal
  • Following a review with ownership we provide a Growth Plan with milestones
  • “Contemplation of Sale” valuation report by 3rd party available for an additional fee
  • Industry Done Deal data available at an extra charge

Monthly deliverable to include;

  • Review of financial statements and significant events
  • Review/update cash flow projections, capital stack, capital needs
  • Update Business Value (BV) updates, “BV Tracker”
  • Industry M&A and Market activity updates
  • Assistance with financing
  • Assistance with acquisitions
  • Review of Growth Plan Milestones (“Accountability Partner”)

Contact Alan Clark if your ready to add some GAS on your business growth plans.

Capital Sourcing

We Secure Debt & Equity for Growth

Access to Capital resources is critical to every business, from basic working capital for normal operations to capital for growth as well as acquisitions, buy/sell agreements, refinancing and special situations.  We have developed a valuable network of private lenders, equity funds and banks who provide the appropriate capital, debt or equity, to meet our clients needs.  If you have any needs for additional capital for your business, we would be glad to provide an assessment of your situation, current capital stack and offer a range of available options that may include;

  • Senior and Junior Debt
  • Lines of Credit
  • ABL / Asset Based Lending
  • Mezzanine
  • SBA Loans
  • Private Equity Investors – control and non-control
  • Deal Syndication